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I unfortunately made the fatal mistake of dropping my Nexus 7 down a flight of carpeted stairs. The carpet didn't help one bit: the screen shattered pretty completely (top to bottom and side to side... interestingly it appears to have shattered from the inside out due to component pressure against the screen rather than anything specifically hitting the front of it during the fall) and the touchscreen no longer works.
Other than that, the device does appear to still be functional in a limited fashion so I should be able to get my data off of it and wipe it before disposing of it after less than a year of service. Hopefully there will be a refresh of the N7 soon. Durability seems to be an area where Android devices fall short but given the aggressive price point of the device and how well it performed up until this mishap, it won't break the bank to get a new one once the new N7 is available.
Update: the good news is that it wasn't too much of a wait before the 2013 Nexus 7 was available.
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